The Chin Heritage Foundation

Help Us

Would you help us make The Chin Heritage Foundation a wonderful resource for Chin People everywhere?

Recommend a book to us

Do you know of a good book about the history of the Chin people, one that tells us the early days of missionary evangelism? If so, tell us the name of it.

Chin Food

Food is an important part of culture. What is your favorite Chin food? Do you have family recipes for special food. Would you be willing to write an article or make a video on how to make special Chin food or even drinks?

Chin Music and Dance

Let us hear your songs and see your dances by making audio recordings or videos. We would love to hear the songs of your ancestors that chronicle the story of the history of your tribes.  Would you tell us about your instruments and show us how you play them?

Chin Fashion

Each tribe and region has unique clothing for men and women, and we’d love to feature pictures and videos of traditional Chin garments. Would you help us with this?

Historical Artifacts

We are collecting items for the museum we are planning to build in Columbus Junction, Iowa. Do you know of anyone with historical photographs, original letters, clothing, Bibles, or books from 1899-1966?

Missionary Family Descendants

Have you made contact with members of the Carson, East, Cope, Tilbe, Johnson, or other early missionaries to the Chin? We have found some, but we are still searching to find more. Can you help us?

Your Stories

We would love to hear your stories. How, when, and why  did your family come to America? Australia? Denmark? Sweden? India? Malaysia? or wherever you live now? Tell us about your community where you live now.

© 2021